This is a 2d Shooter game for the MSU Game design class on Coursera. 

The modifications I've made are:

- Added Objectives and a Mission structure for each level.  Level 1 kill objectives, Level 2 Escort quest, and Level 3 boss fight.

- Added new enemies, allies and a boss encounter all with new logic and attacks.  Spread missile attacks, Boss has three phases and a giant laser attack.  The Space Tanker ally was fun to make.  

- Added new backgrounds and graphics everywhere.  I found a graphics pack on the Unity Store for most things.  I made the worst custom graphics for a few things. 

- Added custom music with my synthesizers. (I play guitar in the Indie rock band  Lovebombed:

Learned a lot and this is the first time I've done a game this large.


Everything: Bryan Starbuck

Thanks to Friends and Family that beta tested. 


Download 124 MB

Development log